Whats's This Website For?

The primary goal is to give users a more holistic understanding of the different viewpoints and spin that can be put on the same event or news story. To do this, we have provided tools to compare alternative news media with news normally considered more mainstream. Offering quick info on news biases, linking to fact-checking articles, and providing very different comments and opinions from people around the world.

How do you calculate bias and credibility?

Bias and credibility are not easy things to measure and will always be subject to its own level of bias. The current scores for each news outlet are compiled from: www.adfontesmedia.com

The scores on this website are nothing more than suggestive guides to give a better context for you, the user, in understanding the different viewpoints being presented. It is also important to realize that scores are based on an analysis of many articles and may not correspond to all articles for that news source.

What news sources do you use?

Our goal is to include news articles from all spectrums of the bias and credibility score. At the moment we use articles from:

  • The New York Times
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • CNN
  • The Huffington Post
  • Fox News
  • USA Today
  • Npr.org
  • NBC News
  • CBS News
  • Breitbart News
  • Infowars.com
  • Redstate.com
  • Wnd.com
  • Alternet.org

Which articles make it onto this site?

News Comparer uses a database to search through news from the last 30 days and displays the 10 most recent articles. If you are having trouble finding articles with your search topic try simplifying your search term and be aware that news from over 1 month ago might not be included in the results.

Which comments make it onto this site?

All of the comments come from Reddit.com. We search Reddit for the most popular submissions with your search term and then show the most recent comments that fit your query.