About Me

I'm a software developer who loves coding and solving problems. I've built many web and mobile apps using technologies such as React, Vue, React Native, Flutter, Node, and others. I love the challenge of learning new technologies and the satisfaction of solving a difficult problem that's been nagging at me for days.

It's awesome to be able to build apps that help users make their lives more enjoyable and more efficient, and I have developed all sorts of projects from a car auction and price estimator to a mobile app for trading used toys with other users. I have a passion for creating useful content that people will enjoy.

When I'm not coding, I like to mountain bike, write short stories, and play table-top games. My friends tell me I'm freakishly calm under pressure and a great leader who brings out the best in the people I work with.



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Screenshot of Ponder Extension

Get real-time, thought-provoking discussions about issues that match the content you are viewing on social media.

With one click of the mouse see what others are saying about the topics you're interested in - from which flavor of ice cream is best, to controversial political opinions

When you navigate to a social media page, Ponder reads the thread and finds thought-provoking discussions based on the conversation. When matches are found, the Ponder icon will appear to the right of the submission/post title. Click on the icon to browse matched discussions.

Often times, discussions in an online setting about controversial issues are draining and riddled with misinformation, soap-boxing, name-calling, and short, non-helpful memes that distort or overly simplify the context. The goal of Ponder is to facilitate a refreshing online discussion that encourages online users to interact with and consume content by people outside of their echo chambers. Ponder encourages discussion in a safer environment that promotes collaboration instead of debate. By presenting highly rated content measured by its ability to change minds, not get likes, Ponder is attempting to add greater understanding and critical thinking to an increasingly polarized internet.

Tender: The Non-Commital Shopping App

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Screenshot of Tender App

Have you ever had a great idea for a product and wanted to share it with the world? Maybe it's something that you could never actaualy build but you just want people to marvel at your creativity.

Tender lets you pitch ideas for new products and allows others to decide if your product will be popular or a dud. Each item has a title, an image, a short description, and a price. Users even have the choice to pay for ads to increase their sales. The number of products sold, the profit made, and the price are all tracked so that users can easily see which of their items are successful over time.

Other users are incentivize to buy products that they think will be popular because they receive a small bonus every time an item they purchased is bought by another user.

Create a product; sell it; and buy other user created products. And see how much Play Money you can make.

Movie Suggester

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Screenshot of Movie Suggester

Get movie suggestions from people who like similar movies as you.

Most current movie review sites take the average of all users or critics and try to predict the quality of the movie and the likelihood that someone will enjoy the movie, but people's tastes are eclectic and having an algorithm that is more personalized to the user will result in a better prediction of what each individual user will enjoy.

The goal of this app is to connect users with similar tastes so that they can receive personalized movie suggestions that will be more accurate than a traditional movie review site at determining if that user will actually enjoy the movie.

News Compare

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Screenshot of News Compare Welcome Screen

Gives users a more holistic understanding of the different viewpoints and spin that can be put on the same event or news story. To do this, we have provided tools to compare alternative news media with news normally considered more mainstream. Offering quick info on news biases, linking to fact-checking articles, and providing very different comments and opinions from people around the world.


I am currently looking for a job and can be contacted through any of the following links:

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